For many, becoming a #C2quadriplegic would be the beginning of the end. Not for Perry Cross AM. Having sustained an aberration of an injury while playing rugby in his teens, leaving him unable to move, relying on a #lifesupport machine, the decision was made to keep fighting, in his own words, ‘to get moving’.

This tragic event in 1994 has propelled Perry to the forefront of the #motivational speaking world, he has delivered impassionate and #heartfeltspeeches to audiences all over, becoming a household name while doing it.

Perry’s journey began shortly after the accident, on the unassuming beaches of the Gold Coast, where he completed his Bachelor of Communications and Business in 2000.
Perry soon replaced Broadbeach with 1st Avenue, #NewYork, the home of the United Nations General Assembly, where he was welcomed as an #advisor on behalf of #youngAustralians.

It was here Perry was introduced to Christopher Reeve, one of Hollywood’s biggest names in the second half of the 20th century, Reeve was an unlikely acquaintance for the boy from south-east Queensland. An identical #lifedefining injury brought them both together, and inspired Perry down the path of #disabilityactivism.

Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation

“I accessed professional mental health support and it didn’t take long to realise where my problems were and put in place strategies to help me manage better.”